Sunday, May 14, 2006

Let us assume that the cow is spherical....

The name of the blog comes from my favorite joke-that-I-can't-really-remember, where a chemist, a biologist, and a physicist are trying to figure out what's wrong with a cow, and the physicist begins his assessment by saying "Let us assume that the cow is spherical and frictionless." Something about that always makes me laugh.

I've rarely had a problem overcoming the blank page, but this blog thing has utterly silenced me. What could I possibly have to say that isn't being said somewhere else? In particular, the blog "Antique Mommy" always leaves me thinking that really, I have nothing new to add to the world. When I voiced this to her, she reminded me that she started her blog not to speak to the world, but to record her thoughts to share with her son when he's old enough to understand them. And that makes more sense to me.

So for today, I thought I'd try to conquer the blank page.

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