Sunday, June 14, 2009


A certain young man I know is very interested in recipes now. He came home with one for chocolate oatmeal fudgies from school, and periodically tells me about "secret ingredients." The best invented recipe, though, is for something he called Moogbiel.


20 cups of boiling water
1 moose
3 cups of sugar

It didn't get much further than that, but I think it involved boiling the moose, and then adding sugar to taste.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Not just a kindergartner, but a white belt too!

The little guy had his last day of school yesterday, the last day of preschool, the day he turned into a kindergartner. We celebrated with a trip to the Smithsonian to see the Ocean exhibit, the dinosaur hall, and the Imax Dinosaurs in 3D movie.

This morning after his karate class, Noah tested for his white belt.

I'm so proud!

Friday, June 05, 2009

Sometimes, it works too well.

It's been a fun week. Last week of Noah's school -- funny hat day, crazy hair day, wear your pajamas to school day, that kind of thing. And today was the last day of preschool. I'm the mother of a kindergartner now. We had a fun morning, had pancakes, and headed in the rain to school. I was focused on driving because of the traffic and the relentless rain, and not paying much attention to the little grunts I heard in the back seat, until they were followed by a heavy sigh.

"Mom, I'm not magic."

"What on earth are you talking about, son? You're completely magic. You're the most magic thing I know. Why wouldn't you be magic?"

"I'm not magic, Mom. I can't pull off my thumb."


"Well, you can pull off your thumb, and Daddy pulled of his thumb at dinner last night, but I can't pull off my thumb, see?"

I look in the rear view mirror to see him determinedly tugging at his thumb, and then dissolve into hysterical laughter.

"Oh, Noah, it's okay -- you have to be MUCH older to be able to pull off your thumb. You have to be really old, like 20."

Another heavy sigh from the back seat. I continued to giggle the rest of the way to school. Tonight, I decided that kindergarten was old enough, and showed him the trick.