Friday, June 05, 2009

Sometimes, it works too well.

It's been a fun week. Last week of Noah's school -- funny hat day, crazy hair day, wear your pajamas to school day, that kind of thing. And today was the last day of preschool. I'm the mother of a kindergartner now. We had a fun morning, had pancakes, and headed in the rain to school. I was focused on driving because of the traffic and the relentless rain, and not paying much attention to the little grunts I heard in the back seat, until they were followed by a heavy sigh.

"Mom, I'm not magic."

"What on earth are you talking about, son? You're completely magic. You're the most magic thing I know. Why wouldn't you be magic?"

"I'm not magic, Mom. I can't pull off my thumb."


"Well, you can pull off your thumb, and Daddy pulled of his thumb at dinner last night, but I can't pull off my thumb, see?"

I look in the rear view mirror to see him determinedly tugging at his thumb, and then dissolve into hysterical laughter.

"Oh, Noah, it's okay -- you have to be MUCH older to be able to pull off your thumb. You have to be really old, like 20."

Another heavy sigh from the back seat. I continued to giggle the rest of the way to school. Tonight, I decided that kindergarten was old enough, and showed him the trick.

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