Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wow, I'm all-powerful!

Tonight our cable went out for about 2 minutes, taking down with it the digital video recorder that we lease from the cable company that contains every episode of Jakers!, Little Einsteins, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ever aired. Is there room for adult shows? No, not really -- but I'm so happy that we can control what he watches, give him what I think are reasonably intelligent, educational shows, and avoid commercials....

So it's that period in the evening when we watch a little Little Einsteins after dinner and chill out getting ready for bed, and FOOMPT, the whole system goes down -- DVR, cable box, big huge scary high-def TV -- all of it. I explained that it was broken and I needed to fix it, and then he did heavy-breathing exercises while I fiddled with the remote and tried to will the DVR not to have dumped its contents, something it's done more than once on us.

And lo, about 3 minutes later, I managed to get everything back online, and Noah threw his tiny arms in the air: "Mommy! You fix ANYTHING!"

I feel so powerful!

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