Thursday, August 23, 2007

Day 5 and counting....

Noah has not had wet pants in 5 days. Well, except at night. He still occasionally doesn't wake up at night -- and I'm very very not worried about that.

But when he came home from day care last Friday he was dry, and he stayed dry all weekend, and then with our daycare provider on vacation this week, one of us has been with him the entire time, and he has not had a single accident.

In fact, this morning he joined me when I went to the bathroom, and suddenly I realized he was WAITING HIS TURN, and successfully held it until it was his turn and everything turned out just fine.

He starts preschool in a week. Much like his mother, my boy makes his deadlines -- sometimes at the last possible moment, but he makes them.

In other news, he's gaining shocking control over his farts, and shares them with us with relish. He also informed me that I "smelled like an elephant's butt" on Monday. But he still loves me, and tells me he loves me, even if I DO smell like an elephant's butt. And Monday, with a very sincere face he told me that he was "soaking happy."

Motherhood rocks.

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