Sunday, September 23, 2007

From under the sofa cushions, debate with a matchbox car.

Noah's having a conversation wtih his matchbox car RIGHT THIS INSTANT from under the cushions from the back of the sofa that's going just about like this:

Him: "You need to go poopy?"

Car: "Yes!"

Him: "Okay, you can come go poopy in MY house."

Car: "Thank you!"

Him: "Okay, get going!"

Car: "Okay."

Him: "Do you need to go poopy?"

Car: "No, I already went."

Him: "Okay."

Him (to me): "Car needs to go poopy in MY house!"

Him (to car): "Are you hungry?"

Car: "yes, I want some dinner!"

Him: "Okay, come and get some dinner already!"

Him (to me): "He wants to get some dinner."

Him (to no one in general): "Cars don't live in my house. Cars are too big to live in my house."

I'm just typing as he talks here. It's a complete riot. I know it's car talking because car talks in a funny voice.

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