Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Noah's second joke

He's said a lot of funny things in his life, but this is the second time I can recall that he's made a discernable joke linking two unrelated pieces of information in a way that was funny.

Backstory: For reasons that I probably will never understand, when my stepson's mother enters our house, she greets our dog by shouting out "Goose Goose DUCK!" and then having a lovefest with the dog for a few minutes, winding up covered in white dog hair. How Duck Duck Goose got into it, I'll never know.

Last night was my husband's birthday dinner. We had chicken, salad, and couscous. As we were passing the serving dishes around, "Aunt Jill" asked Noah if he would like some couscous. A flash of insight hit him, and he said "Oh! Couscous-DUCK!"

We now eat "couscous-duck." Funny kid.

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